We Have Arrived Divine Hearts
The living light of source is penetrating all of our earthly systems hastening the revelation of your true essence. This sudden, powerful summoning may be accompanied by resistance, confusion, and/or fear. Perhaps you have not opened in this way, do not know how to fully open or do not know what you are being called to do.
Even though this is the very energy that will allow your unique contribution to humanity to stream through the new network and open your ability to create miraculously… you may be finding certain patterns of behavior that trap you in self-defeating cycles!
What are you still holding onto that never belonged to you?
We must release the hold on what is quickly dissolving around you and return home to the truth that has been calling you back…. No longer can you pretend to be someone or something that you never truly were…
Why are you holding back, when you know the planet needs you now?
The truth within you can no longer be contained and you know that this is your time to rise beyond the veils that have distorted your connection and tainted the expression of your pure heart…
I understand and it is not your fault, I get it. I have found myself in these cycles so many times that it makes me sick to see people struggle unnecessarily.
The answer to all of this has been ingrained in every cell being suppressed, distorted, and manipulated and it is ready to be given the ground to flow organically so your truth has the potential to expand and create exactly what is needed for the evolution of your soul and the planet…
The Game is OVER! You must answer the call and finally let go of all that has gotten you here.
Awakening within your cells is the light of creation itself looking for a way to express. There is no ignoring this, it is a fact that can not be stopped.
Our Ancestors seeded this potential and plowed the pathways in hope that we would make it here. Now here we are given the most precious gift to actualize for the wellbeing of us all.
The actualization of this potential takes dynamic light to see and activate the structure for it to open and allow the soul to crystalize into the knowing of what your unique essence is here to bring into this new era for humanity. You are that light awaiting to be expressed into your reality!
This era is built from the pure resonance of our heart connection which ushers us into forming the very ground through us. We have forgotten this and have adapted to the resonance of fear, pain, and confusion. It was never meant to be this way. The days of survival and separation will no longer be fed our precious life force, it ends here.

What is This Convergance Providing for You?

This is the convergence of the codes, structures, and keys to unlock the very template within you that will liberate your soul’s truth and open the network within you to integrate exactly what you need to rise into this new octave of light. There really is no other way to create in this level of light without internal structures that can hold it and honor the process of your transformation.
I am Katrina Armstrong, Creator of Divine Bridge for Humanity
In 2012 Katrina went through a massive transformation that shifted her consciousness and reality overnight. This transformation aligned her to being in service in many capacities, vibrating out of reality as she knew it, to begin service work with the planet. From that moment she agreed to become a composite of her oversoul consciousness to continuously upgrade , strengthen, and continue to expand to accommodate the potential of what humanity is capable of at this time. Upon awakening in this higher reality she began working with the deployment of energy coming into the planet and allowed her soul to guide her deeper into filling in where needed until more awakened to move into their mission.
During the last 11 years she has been dedicated to the ascension process and assisting humanity through teaching, training, speaking, hosting gatherings, recoding dense energies for new possibilities, embodying the highest potential, releasing seals on sacred energy held in the earth, and bridging the new earth systems.
Katrina holds higher vibratory frequencies and heightened awareness, to view and recalibrate the truth and illusion which are threads of this paradigm. She carries and effectively utilizes these frequencies to dissolve what is standing in the way of your greatest expression. She has powerfully cultivated her challenging life curriculum to
provide her with unparalleled vision into what is clogging the pathways for receiving your divine birthright.
Katrina has reached a level of consciousness that allows her to be a pure conduit with access to all levels of her soul. She operates as a pure frequency of embodied love that activates through movement, words, tones, light language, and high vibrational energy transmissions.
Katrina retrieves, embodies and anchors the necessary templates, designs, and energies for humanity. She is carrying sacred keys to unlock the necessary codes for the evolutionary process; sacred tones and light language that resonates with the soul.
These sacred tones and various languages help to integrate DNA templates, new overlays, and soul retrievals.
As a guardian of the higher Akash she can retrieve unique forms and sequences that will connect you with your remembrance of wisdom and the codes that you carry as you cross over the veil into the New Earth.
As a seer she is given insight into the timeline potentials of those that are guided to her to actualize the greatest plan for their soul’s incarnation at this time. She is fully dedicated to her mission and will be holding nothing back. To come forward from the background and stand solid in the truth of our soul is of great importance now.
I have awaited for this moment to arrive where the planet is fully lighting up and you are showing up to answer the call.
“Katrina meets me right as I am about to take the next step in my spiritual evolution and helps me fine tune my alignment process on a much deeper level. Her potency to pinpoint the depth of an issue and trace the cause of an issue is deep beyond measure. I have worked in this field for over 33 years and Katrina’s work is elite beyond measure, her work stands out beyond any healer I’ve ever experienced before. Katrina’s expertise and precise connection finds the depth of work I need to improve myself on levels of heightened awareness, that for me is critical in the work I provide for my clients and my students. I would refer Katrina to anyone seeking deep energetic knowledge and those who wish to gain a deep sense of what needs to be changed in themselves to develop their own personal growth and enlightened awareness.” – Matthew
This Convergence is an unparalleled Opportunity to:
Experience a field of pure resonance where the earth can breathe and assist with the bridging through the nurturing light ground that is created to honor all aspects of you.
In this level of coherence you release the deeply seeded energetics of fears, doubt, and confusion that are holding those unsupported patterns and identities in place in your reality.
Learn about the language of creation and how we are being given an opportunity to speak from this level of purity to create sustainably for generations to come.
There will be an understanding of what it means to be a soul infused personality and how to transcend the limitations of being fixed in an identity. We were not designed to be stagnant but to be ever flowing and fully connected. I will share with you how this happens and a simple way to come back to this.
Receive access to parts of yourself that have laid dormant or are struggling to express in the light of your transformation.
You will receive the opportunity to fully open into your sacred heart and be held by the frequency of pure love as you recode the pain of separation.
Integrate aspects of you that are holding the keys to creating the reality that reflects your soul vision and the greatest callings of your heart.
Our personality is overriding the divine truth and we must realign it so it is supporting you rather than sabotaging your life.
Access a level of connection that allows you to trust your path moving forward in this transformational moment on the planet .
You will have an ever expanding reach into the higher realms and with the beings of the purest intention to assist you with remembering.
Play in the purity of your inner child as it opens realms to explore within that hold the key to your true freedom and assist you with remembering your true nature.
With the limitless possibilities all within your reach you will find joy and ecstasy vibrating through the body welcoming everything into this level of pure bliss. You will enjoy your natural state returning as you play in the creative potential of what you have always held within you.
“Miracles have taken place in my life! My manifestation abilities have increased, my connection with my higher self and inner knowing has solidified. My limiting beliefs of impossibility have fallen away, and my belief in what’s possible for myself and Humanity have expanded more than I could have dreamt up! I highly recommend working with her as much as you are able.” – Madalyn
Why is This the Time to Take Action?
The energetics of the Earth are shifting and washing out all the ways we structured and expressed ourselves to make way for the new light that is ready to be expressed through you. The light we have used to create modalities, to liberate our core truths, and ultimately influence the lives of others is no longer sustainable in this new energy. In order to create something that will be sustainable now it takes deep integration and a space that is highly innovative to honor both the parts of you that are struggling to understand and the higher aspects of you that hold the keys to this new paradigm.
This new light is awakening from within and your ability to effectively show up in service requires a full connection to the heart of creation and integration of a template that can hold the pure essence of your soul.

Your Living Template and Activating the Soul Tone
A tone from the heart of creation has emerged in response to the call of the hearts that are birthing through them a new energetic template that will stabilize and sustain the planet as we move even more deeply into the forming of the new earth.
This tone holds within it the keys to liberate us from the shackles we have worn as humanity for far too long.
This ancient tone initiates you into the remembrance of your sacred agreement and the wisdom you have that will allow for your consciousness to flower into the true expression of your divinity into form.
You know deep within that you came here to be in service in a way unlike you have ever been before and that your willingness to walk through the hell has given you the keys that will awaken, inspire, and liberate this planet into the truth of our pure nature.
Creating Your Reality From Pure Alignment
There is a deep inner calling that feels like it is ready to burst into expression… A calling that brings to the surface even the slightest misalignment to unify them into the true alignment of your heart.
This refinement sets into motion the evolution of consciousness and you actualizing your soul agreement unifies the divine potential of the cells within the body of humanity.
This knowing reaches really deep and has brought us through massive transformation to get here in this moment where we are ready to open as the conduits of what pure creation truly is.
The Activation and Unification of the Cosmic Heart
The unification of the heart brings this reality into form. What is the unification of the heart? Across the timelines beyond the woven contracts into the strong stabilized field of your own source connection with all that is.
This is an initiation of source and will be bringing the soul into a new level of actualization, freedom, and true prosperity. The heavens are ready to open and we are holding important keys for this to occur.
The Remembrance of Who You Are
There is nothing here that can compare or touch the purity and the power of that which is ready to flower out of your heart and to be shared with the people. We are becoming the gift that has been given to the planet and with this comes responsibility, but we are ready for it.
Who are you to be or do this? Who are you not to come forward and honor the walk that you have taken, the sacrifices (no more of this) that you have made, the truths you have evolved from….
We set this into motion a very very long time ago when we initiated this creation and we are now being called to bring it all home once again.
Many are called but few answer and walk the middle path embodying the truth that activated the tone that unlocks the gates to freedom for humanity.
Here are some of the areas of Initiation and Areas of Focus
(trainings are given LIVE each month and are developed from the organic needs that arise in the network)
Inner Child Liberation and Learning about the Living Light of Creation
You will receive a great understanding of the Living Light and what is occurring within our inner and outer systems that will require this level of connection and understanding going forward.
You will be healing the greatest wounds to retrieve your power and access your creative abilities that will allow you to open into your authentic expression. This is necessary to access the greatest potential of the soul in this new network of pure light that is rewriting the planet at epic speed.
Halls of the Ancestors Where Your Greatest Treasures Await
In the unseen realms of our planetary existence is a field where the ancestors await to hand over the generational wisdom that has been carried and held in a purely sacred way. For eons many of them have been serving as pillars between dimensions or holding this wisdom for when you arrive ready to walk out what your agreement is here at this moment on the planet.
The sacredness of this process is not to be taken lightly and this is an initiation for those that know they are here to bridge humanity through their being. So much is awaiting here and with a pure heart and integrated matrix you will be ready to access it.
Quantum Integration Mandala of Integration and Soul Guidance for Navigating Your Life Stream
The Quantum Integration Mandala opens a field of light that speaks to all aspects of your being and invites them to harmonize into the joy, peace, and pure knowing of the sacred heart.
You will get clear with who you are becoming in this new light and what direction to focus on going forward each month.

Emotional Mastery
You will learn how to discern between dimensional realities and understand a new way of relating to your emotions. You will learn how to work with your emotions from a structural level that will allow you to utilize them as a vehicle for your evolution. This is where the subconscious must make itself known in that moment of unifying your internal polarity to create outward motion that is purely aligned.
Energy (Life Force) Mastery, Multi-Dimensional Awareness and Working in the Etheric Realm Mastery
You will learn how to navigate the mind so you can shift your perspective in a moment to see multiple potentials so you can make the highest aligned choice. We work deeply with the elements so our training ground will be opening into a mystical space so you can gain access beyond the seen and be able to transform the matter into the greatest potential. You will also be channeling the power that you have within you. This is a deeply important aspect to understand for being able to use the elements at this level is great power to create. With great power comes responsibility for what it is you are bringing into form. We cover this more in our training with agreements.
Yes, We Really Will Be Covering This Level of Depth and Integrating it Together! Imagine the Ripples this will Create for the Planet!!
Your soul’s truth actualized at this pivotal moment is needed more than ever. Your innate power must be liberated and fueled by the living light that is awakening within your cells so you can fulfill your agreement supported by the whole universe.
“If you are interested in reaching your Highest Divine Potential, I highly recommend Katrina Armstrong. A powerful instrument of God during this auspicious time on earth. She has an innate ability to heal through holding space and energy for others. All the while exuding an air of calm that is very uplifting! Channeling dynamic frequency encodings of sound and light that adjusts to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs, in the moment. Initiating clearing, balancing, activating and aligning with a new vibration of Wellbeing. Katrina Armstrong humbly offers activations, cellular release, channeling, and more, as she anchors Love into the Earth! She is amazing!” Phyllis Trammell
One of our last 3 day convergences consisted of over 200 people and it made powerful waves, transformed lives, and so many people moved into a state of instant manifestation because of how aligned and lit up their hearts became!
Imagine what is possible for you and the whole planet with all this additional training and potent time in this field together!
This is not a surface level convergence and the energy that is streamed into it is highly transformational. We are fully showing up to assist you!
Are you ready to show up for you and all the life your sacred heart came here to influence and impact?
The Monthly Structure of Our Divine Convergence
This 12 month initiatory journey will take place on a Quantum field of pure resonance that will allow all levels of your soul to reach you and for the organic alignment of your true design to be fully synced into this new network of light.
1 Monthly Training that is designed to assist you with cultivating skills and accessing tools that will allow your gifts/abilities to be utilized now. ($1600 value)
1 Monthly ARC (Authentic Resonant Connection) POD that is designed to assist you with recognizing patterns, thoughts, and emotions through the body intelligence and to regulate the nervous system through this somatic awareness. You will learn about the stages you move through with your “triggers” and how to clear out your own circuits for reconnection to the wisdom of the soul. This coherency practice dissolves old stories so the authentic you can shine through and so you develop strong healthy relationships. ($900 value)
1 Monthly Divinity in Action Call that focuses on what is holding you back to shift it in the moment and give you direction for movement forward. This call will work with what has been liberated to give you direction with your new found streams of creative energy ($1800)
The combined value of this level of training is almost $12,000 and for the first time I feel blessed to provide this level of support to you for 12 payments of $599.
This is special pricing that will be available for you for a short time and this is the best offer you will see for this training opportunity going forward.
An opportunity to come together for this unparalleled service to your evolution is truly priceless and our combined multidimensional abilities will leave nothing untouched that is ready to transform.
ALSO to AMPLIFY and ALIGN YOU into creating in this new light, I am honored to open these DIVINELY ALIGNED BONUSES that will prepare you for what is transpiring in our collective evolution!
1 Monthly Living Light Temple Call ($444 value)
6 Inspired Action Mentor Drop Ins With the Divine Bridge Mentors! ($1500) Supports with accountability and for more access to support!
Soul Bridging World (valuable additional training, curriculums, integrations, and courses that will be dropped in your own dashboard for deeper study and for going deeper into your soul development. More created based on the needs of the Community) ($5500 value, Never Given Before)
ALSO if you Answer the Call NOW
You get 3 months free and the life changing bonus to join me in person for a powerful 2 day rite of passage initiation ($5500 value) in late September where any resistance melts off and you anchor who you came here to be in a powerful way for a one time exchange of $6091 for 12 months of this next level mentorship and the opportunity to meet me in an intimate sacred gathering.
*Room, board, and travel NOT included.
This is very special pricing that will be available for you for the next 48 hours.

We open our hearts in generosity to welcome you into this dynamic level of quantum support and deep wisdom for actualizing your soul’s truth for stepping forward stronger than you have ever been able to do before.
I have never opened my training ground in this way and never at this exchange for a whole 12 months of having direct access to me. You see I am on a mission to assist 100 souls to integrate their higher light and to actualize their soul’s greatest potential.