Are you ready to step over the threshold into a reality that is created in pure alignment with your soul’s vision?
A deep inner knowing that won’t stop whispering to you, “You are here for something more…”
That feeling is not going to go away. Why?
Because you are being called to RISE!
You are a Bridge for the New Humanity!
You see you came here with an agreement.
This agreement is woven into the DNA that makes up the composition of your unique essence here in this form at this time.
What occurs for so many powerful hearts is that they confuse this Divinely ordained agreement with something they are to be doing to fulfill earthly expectations, and they take action that is sourced from outside of themselves.
This leads to great entanglement of their life force and confusion that weighs heavy on the mind.
Do any of these sound familiar?
- Scrambling to keep your reality together and not knowing what is staying and what is going…
- Old patterns returning and bringing in memories that trigger a series of fears that keeps you from taking the action you know is needed
- Moments where your trust disappears, and doubt creates structures of control that fix you into a reality that pulls your energy away from the organic flow of your innate intelligence…
- Feeling like you are sleepwalking through life, simply checking boxes that don’t feel a part of your soul.
You’ll know it’s happening when you begin to feel a growing discontent…
When you begin to feel less and less connected to the reality you live every day…
And it’s vital that you pay attention to the message those feelings are trying to communicate!
I know being here as an advanced soul can be confusing and annoying. It doesn’t have to be this way.
It is time to say goodbye to the manipulation streams that have plagued your mind and system for too long.
No longer can you carry that hidden fear that grips you every time you start to take that step. It must end now to ground into your being the exact light structures needed to stream your birth right and live a life full of grace.
Know Divine Heart…
Everything around you has already been created from the energy that once was and in order to create a new reality, you must be able to call this energy back to you to be re-coded in the light of your true essence..
This universe is designed to respond to your unique tone and when you are misaligned with your soul’s truth, your creations will not be as fulfilling and/or successful.
Your connection to your soul truth illuminates the gifts of the soul.
This allows you to radically realign your life and stabilize your vibration for creating those true heart desires.
Here’s what you need to know:
What has gotten us here is not what will sustain us going forward. These outdated structures must be deactivated so living light can flow through you
As a Starseed, you have known that you came here in service to the evolution of humanity.
However, without reclaiming this life force you will not have access to the necessary resources to carry out your purpose on this earth.
You came into your elemental body to have the experience of life so you may find the codes hidden within it. You have had the keys all along to unlock the greatest potential in any given moment…you merely forgot.
It’s not your fault.
Life is designed to distract you from your pure being. Which is why it is so important that you say vigilant in your commitment to live in pure, Divine Potential!
It’s not easy.
But you’ve always known, haven’t you?
You’ve always felt different. And that’s because you are.
You are a Bridge for the New Humanity!
It takes great strength and courage to dive into the realms that have consumed the purity of the living light and to use these pure codes to create through you what is truly in resonance with the greatest potential for all living beings here on the planet.
I know you have this strength and courage within you.
My agreement on this earth was to reconnect you to YOURS!
To create the Quantum bridge so you may return home fully integrated and connected to the infinite stream that supports you.
Allowing you to create from the pure resonance of the soul into tangible reality.
Introducing Soul Bridge Incubator and
Soul Bridging Technology
This is not a course – it’s an experiential training ground that will help you step into the role you were meant to play in this lifetime!
It is no secret that the planet is undergoing massive transformation and this is calling us to transform with her. Everything we have done up to this moment has served as the raw materials for what we will be creating going forward.
In truth it is not new that we transform with Mother Earth, in fact it is a remembrance that we never were separate with her that creates so much more ease in the process we are all moving through together.
It is the returning to this remembrance that ignites the starseed within you and gives you the ability to rest into the knowing that home really is here.
With the igniting and cultivation of the Starseed Within a resonance becomes known that allows for you to fully see and know everything through the eyes of your beloved soul.
This very journey of returning home to the soul and bridging from the higher realms into the physical body is what taught me how to be the unity within the polarizing realities around me.
All the dedicated work to neutralize the polarities and recode within myself and across the planet brought with it a powerful technology to assist others with the process of becoming a soul infused being. This technology is the product of honoring and fulfilling my agreement.
Divine Bridge Technology © is what birthed through me from my dedicated service work with Mother Earth, bridging the higher realm of light and integrating my soul so you can effectively operate in this transformational time on the planet.
Divine Bridge Technology is a technology of structured light formed through the pure resonance of Mother Earth and the Heart of Creation.
It allows for your higher and lower levels of consciousness to crystallize into the unique wisdom that you are carrying within.
It provides assistance while you are strengthening your communication with the soul and integrating into higher dimensional expressions of your truth.
It works with Soul Mapping, Earth Mapping, and Star Mapping to ensure that as you land in the resonance field you are bringing with you everything you need to become the powerful truth within you.
I see your heart, your truth, your knowing and your commitment. I understand the depths of where you have gone and the inner cry to return home.
The light technology is here to receive, honor, and support you. You were never meant to do this alone.
And you don’t have to.
Because I know how this journey goes… I have been through it.
My Journey to Becoming Divine Bridge for Humanity
As a highly sensitive being we are often misunderstood and have had to alter ourself to operate in a reality that never honored the uniqueness of your being– this has created identities that continue to pull you further from your true expression.
I know this very well as a highly sensitive starseed that came in with a fully open heart. I had no idea how each painful moment was creating these imprints that became the very filters I was creating my reality from.
From a really young age the knowing was here that I was going to be called but my life of traumatic abuse, neglect, and addiction pulled me so far away from the inner knowing that I got lost. I find this occurs for so many starseeds for we were buried so deep in the density.
I really felt that there was no hope for me that I would always be broken, which feed into greater levels of self sabotaging cycles.
I gave my power away to everyone and everything. I came to a place where I had nothing left to give and I hit what felt like the end.
It was here that I made a life-changing decision.
I decided to change everything.
When I did, I experienced the kind of spiritual magic and power that I had only read about or heard about. The kind of power that creates spontaneous spiritual awakenings and transcendence.
When it happened I awakened a different person and was finally at home in my soul.
I began to unravel all that I had experienced and gained a deep understanding of how to access the codes within each seemingly painful moment.
The soul began to overwrite my consciousness and the wisdom of the soul became what was flowing through my spoken words, movements, tones, and creations. The level of peace and connection that became my reality created the spaciousness for my soul’s truth to create powerfully through me.
I cultivated deep compassion and my innate abilities opened up rather quickly. I gained vast tool belts for soul integration and the process of embodiment.
I dedicated my life to becoming a bridge for those that are ready to embody the soul’s truth, fulfill their agreement, and truly create a reality that resonates at the highest potential for all living beings.
My mission is to assist the starseeds with fully integrating and grounding the potential within them as they return to the pure resonance of their soul’s truth.
I became a walking embodiment of the highest potential of humanity and you can too!!
Your Sacred Invitation to Soul Bridge Incubator
Soul Bridge Incubator is a 60-day quantum light ground that utilizes advanced technology to integrate your soul and liberate vital streams of energy for actualizing your soul intentions.
You will learn a skill set for operating in the dimensional shifts and remain in pure resonance with your soul’s truth.
From Unintegrated and Scattered to streaming higher light and creating powerfully, this is your chance to rise, thrive and LIVE your Divinely ordained DESTINY!
Highlights of Your Experiential Training Ground
60 Days of Highly Dynamic Light Ground
60 days of being held in a profoundly integrative space with aligned energetic downloads from your oversoul. This nurturing, healing, dynamic space allows for a level of grounding that brings ease to actualizing what is being downloaded.
Life Force Liberation and Access to Creation Fields
We will be diving deep into the DNA structures to dissolve the old energetics and to activate the light codes within. This will allow for you to ascend from the inside out. The level of light that will be accessed will be bringing in creation fields from higher levels of your soul so you can begin building out in this new light.
Activating and Training You in How to Use Your Living Template for Creating in this New Light
How to navigate and use this new updated system is something I have been actively cultivating to gain in the awareness of exactly how to assist you. When you are given the advanced tools for how to synthesize this energy and integrate all fragmented soul aspects the results are phenomenal.
What to Expect on Your Journey Through
Soul Bridge Incubatory
This container is strongly supported throughout this whole transformational process. Your intentions and goals become the center of the focus. I can promise you that you will not get this combined level of expertise and abilities to refine your system and catapult you into 2023 anywhere else. This choice point is not a small one and you are honored in all ways.
What is included in this 8 week Transformational Journey:
- 3 Karmic Seal Releases, Manipulation Mechanisms Deprogramming (BIG ONE) , and Soul Integrations of parts of you that are still running a percentage of you and impacted your choices. Reclaiming your life force so you can fully embrace all that you are and rise. ($1600 value)
- Several processes that are designed based on the needs of what is presenting and draining your life force ($1600 value)
- 1 Hub of Resource Call that opens the gates of the Higher Akash to provide the new elements for actualizing your set intention ( $1500 value)
- Revolutionary Process and Tool that will blow out all other methods for creating in this new energy. When you learn how to ground this energy you will have much greater clarity and direction. ($555 value) Truly Priceless
- 60 days of being held in a profoundly integrative space with aligned energetic downloads from your oversoul. This nurturing, healing, dynamic space allows for a level of grounding that allows your downloads to land with ease ($555 value) Also Priceless
- Training in how to use your living light template (what the soul operates in) for creating in this new light
- Soul Embodiment and Opening Your Soul Gate Tool that has been a staple for creating massively successful results with expanding into the multi-dimensional awareness and embodiment bringing greater clarity, connection, and discernment ($ 555 value) True Life Changer
- Ending the Karmic Cycle Game Process for completing your connection to the old matrix and no longer being pulled into old structures (You don’t need them where you are going) ($111 value)
Your integrated light allows the visions that will influence, inspire, and create sustainable systems not only to move but to thrive for we will need them as this light is only increasing and calling forward the part of the new earth that is within all of creation.
The Planet is ready for you to land fully in your power streaming the unique resonance of the starseed within you, are you ready to receive exactly what is needed to do this?
Did You Know?
There is a moment where the light body takes over and becomes the navigator of your creations (manifestations).
The frequency you hold becomes the beacon and the light body can amplify this and send it out into the new Earth Matrix for instantaneous alignment without overworking your mind and body.
Allowing the mind and body to sync as you ascend into higher states of consciousness grounded in your body and flowing with Mother Earth
By the end of our time together you will be fully integrated and know the exact tools needed to flourish in the new earth energy.
“Katrina came into my life during a quite auspicious time.”
Major life changes were happening, my entire life structures were completely crumbling. Just one afternoon of sharing a meal together altered my reality. By the end of the conversation, there were specific energies within that shifted me completely, and changed my life forever. I knew that I was being called to Katrina as a mentor for me during a time where I believe most people would have lost their minds. I know that could have been a potential for me, and yet I made the decision to invest in a mentor. Things are being shown and revealed to me as higher aspects of my conciousness were awakened, that I was unsure of the meaning, how to use the information or to even stay grounded in my body. Katrina has shared some of the most grounded, anchored advise I’ve ever received. I have been actively working with her for the last 2 years, and what a beautiful journey of growth and expansion it has been. Many identities and old constructs have dissolved, and I have been able to peacefully navigate major life changes bringing me into alignment and stepping more fully into sovereignty and understanding more of my soul.
I am grateful to be able to say that I’m finally feeling human again, can understand the energy when it arrives, and am connected more deeply to my higher self, my angelic guides and intuition than ever. I am finally enjoying being in a body, enjoying my human experience, Feeling fully supported in life when it comes to community, resources, abundance and truly a purpose driven life.
Madalyn Love – Founder, Paradigm Consulting
Join The Soul Bridge Incubator Today.
Your investment includes all of these benefits(valued over $9,221):
- 8 weeks of advanced energy training
- Higher Akash Resource Ceremonies
- 60 Days of Structured Light and Healing Frequencies
Plus, you get these bonuses free valued at $1710…
- Soul Embodiment and Opening Your Soul Gate Tool
- Ending the Karmic Cycle Process
- Accessing the Living Codes of Creation to manifest in pure alignment and with ease (Unparalleled Bonus Masterclass)
Illumination Sales Price $222
Here’s what other lovely people say
Katrina meets me right as I am about to take the next step in my spiritual evolution and helps me fine tune my alignment process on a much deeper level. Her potency to pinpoint the depth of an issue and trace the cause of an issue is deep beyond measure. I have worked in this field for over 33 years and Katrina’s work is elite beyond measure, her work stands out beyond any healer I’ve ever experienced before.Katrina’s expertise and precise connection finds the depth of work I need to improve myself on levels of heightened awareness, that for me is critical in the work I provide for my clients and my students. I would refer Katrina to anyone seeking deep energetic knowledge and those who wish to gain a deep sense of what needs to be changed in themselves to develop their own personal growth and enlightened awareness.
“If you are interested in reaching your Highest Divine Potential, I highly recommend Katrina Armstrong. A powerful instrument of God during this auspicious time on earth. She has an innate ability to heal through holding space and energy for others. All the while exuding an air of calm that is very uplifting! Channeling dynamic frequency encodings of sound and light that adjusts to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs, in the moment. Initiating clearing, balancing, activating and aligning with a new vibration of Wellbeing. Katrina Armstrong humbly offers activations, cellular release, channeling, and more, as she anchors Love into the Earth! She is amazing!”