Living theLight


This unique field of higher light will embrace you as we journey deeper into resistance to establish a strong connection to break the barrier that keeps you from flowing in your innate light and resilient truth.

Living theLight


This unique field of higher light will embrace you as we journey deeper into resistance to establish a strong connection to break the barrier that keeps you from flowing in your innate light and resilient truth.

Are you ready to Embrace the True nature of the divine human that is birthing through you right now? To release the resistance that has you questioning yourself and hiding behind the light of who you once were?

We are now fully in the embrace of the source light and this requires us to know how to live from the soul through the gateway of heart.

What does it mean to Live the Light?

To live the light means to rise out of the patterns, conditions and beliefs so you can embrace the organic nature of your true being. To allow the very light of your soul to guide you each step of the way so you can rewrite your reality in total support of who you came here to be.

The cost of living out of alignment and integrity with our soul’s truth is becoming too painful to ignore at this stage of our collective ascension.

You have an opportunity right now to rise, align, and create from a level of resonance that will bring peace, joy, and the ability to finally create what you know in your heart is truly possible for your life.

Where does this internal light come from?

The light I am speaking about here is referring to the light that is within your DNA. The codes that are awaiting a way to express in this new harmonic we have opened to allow us to create from connection and in pure alignment with the well being of all.

If you are ready, click the button below to join us!

(This offering is only for $35.00 one-time payment.)

The cultivation of your light allows you to release what is hindering you from stepping fully into your soul stream.

To do this I created the Living the Light Experience to do just that!! Here you will have direct access to the support needed to assist you with making the necessary shifts to stabilize into what you are becoming in all this new light! I will meet you as a bridge between your soul and the transformation you are undergoing to become this new human.

You will have an opportunity to have your questions answered and to receive personalized guidance for your unique situation. This unique field of higher light will embrace you as we journey deeper into resistance to establish a strong connection for operating in resilient truth.

This Living the Light Experience GROUP SESSION will take place on October 25th at 5 PM MST.

For $35.00 you will get:

  • A source transmission that will vibrate at the cellular level to release what is not allowing you to rise.
  • An awakening and/or alignment of what your sacred heart is ready to stream through.
  • A message for how to move in this dynamic light that is penetrating our realities and transforming our lives.

I am humbled and honored to open this space for you at this potent time on the planet. I look forward to meeting you in the heart of it all and witnessing you strengthen into the unshakeable nature of your divine truth.

IMPORTANT: I will send you preparation information before we come together so you will already have in place what is needed to really benefit from this space together. 

Meet the Creator of Living theLight Experience

Katrina has created 1000s of training grounds to assist soul committed hearts with integrating their unique creative genius through the clear guidance of their soul.

As a guardian of the sacred, she can retrieve unique forms and sequences that will connect you with your remembrance of wisdom and the codes that you carry as you cross over the veil into the New Earth.

She carries and effectively utilizes cosmic frequencies to dissolve what is standing in the way of your greatest expression. She has powerfully cultivated her challenging life curriculum to provide her with unparalleled vision into what is clogging the pathways for receiving you’re divine inheritance.

As a seer she is given insight into the timeline potentials of those that are guided to her to actualize the greatest plan for their soul’s incarnation at this time. She is fully dedicated to her mission and will be holding nothing back. To come forward from the background and stand solid in the truth of our soul is of great importance now.