Katrina is where soul wisdom meets the cosmic waves of transformation. She is an Activator of Divine Potential, Conduit for Pure Creation, and an Architect for the Living Light of the Soul.
In 2012 Katrina went through a massive transformation that shifted her consciousness and reality overnight. This transformation aligned her to being in service in many capacities, vibrating out of reality as she knew it, to begin service work with the planet. From that moment she agreed to become a composite of her oversoul consciousness to continuously upgrade, strengthen, and continue to expand to accommodate the potential of what humanity is capable of at this time.
Upon awakening in this higher reality she began working with the deployment of energy coming into the planet and allowed her soul to guide her deeper into filling in where needed until more awakened to step into their soul mission.
During the last 10 years she has been dedicated to the ascension process and assisting humanity through teaching, training, speaking, hosting gatherings, recoding dense energies for new possibilities, embodying the highest potential, releasing seals on sacred energy held in the earth, and bridging the new earth systems.
She is the visionary leader of Divine Bridge for Humanity, Divinity in Action and the creator of the Soul Bridging Technology and Modality.
Katrina holds higher vibratory frequencies and heightened awareness, to view and recalibrate the truth and illusion which are threads of this paradigm. She carries and effectively utilizes these frequencies to dissolve what is standing in the way of your greatest expression. She has powerfully cultivated her challenging life curriculum to provide her with unparalleled vision into what is clogging the pathways for receiving your divine birthright.
Katrina has reached a level of consciousness that allows her to be a pure conduit with access to all levels of her soul. She operates as a pure frequency of embodied love that activates through movement, words, tones, light language, and high vibrational energy transmissions.
Katrina retrieves, embodies and anchors the necessary templates, designs, and energies for humanity. She is carrying sacred keys to unlock the necessary codes for the evolutionary process; sacred tones and light language that resonates with the soul.
These sacred tones and various languages help to integrate DNA templates, new overlays, and soul retrievals.
As a guardian of the higher Akash she can retrieve unique forms and sequences that will connect you with your remembrance of wisdom and the codes that you carry as you cross over the veil into the New Earth.
As a seer she is given insight into the timeline potentials of those that are guided to her to actualize the greatest plan for their soul’s incarnation at this time. She is fully dedicated to her mission and will be holding nothing back. To come forward from the background and stand solid in the truth of our soul is of great importance now.
As an activator of divine truth and limitless possibilities, she also assists you with finding the magic in ‘everyday’ life. Through a heart of deep compassion she provides an accepting, nurturing space with unparalleled access to the higher realms. Her passion is to teach and activate the visionaries, intuitives, healers, and/or conscious entrepreneurs that are committed to their soul’s truth and ready to show up in a powerful way.

As an activator of divine truth and limitless possibilities, Katrina assists with finding the magic in “everyday” life.
She provides an accepting, nurturing space with unparalleled access to the higher realms. She holds a frequency of truth for you as you step into your higher vision.
Her passion is to teach and activate the visionaries, intuitives, healers, and/or the conscious entrepreneurs that are committed to their soul’s truth and ready to show up in the world in a powerful way.
Katrina has reached a level of consciousness that allows her to have access even beyond here multi-dimensional self. She operates as a pure frequency of embodied love that activates through movement, words, tones, light language, and high vibrational energy transmissions.
This state of being has allowed her to integrate this incarnation’s curriculum in a powerful way that has locked all the wisdom from this lifetime with a direct connection with the ever expanding wisdom of her soul.
- The Soul Bridging Technology and Modality TM
- The Etheric and Mystical Art of Transmutation
- Working with the Agreements for Greater Alignment
- Effectively using the Akash and Libraries beyond it
- Emotional Mastery
- Energy (Life Force) Mastery, Multi-Dimensional Awareness and working with the Etheric Real Mastery
- Development of Your Seership and Creator Abilities
- Soul to Soul Communication With All Living Beings Using Light Language and Ancient Tones
- Channel High Frequencies Energies (Galactic and Angelic)
- Work With the Masters and Angels
- Atonement/Activation for the Body, Mind, and Soul
- Recognize Misalignment in the Mind, Body, and Soul
- Parallel Life Work
- Clearing of Ancestral Lines
- Inner Child Work
- Access, Activate, and Integrate Light Codes, New Frequencies, and Templates when it is time to do so for clients, groups, and the planet
Soul Bridge Assessment: Determine which of the 7 templates you are most aligned with and how to partner with it for a fulfilling experience on this earth!
Cellular Ascension: A vibrant journey helping the participants to release ancient fears and limited imprints on energy bodies and cellular level setting their energy free to activate dormant light codes.
Soul Bridge Incubator: What has gotten us here will not sustain us going forward. This incubator dives into the realms that have consumed the purity of the living light and uses these pure codes to create through us what is truly in resonance with the greatest potential for all living beings here on the planet. Allow us to create from the pure resonance of the soul into tangible reality.
Conduits of Pure Creation: Conduits of Pure Creation is a finely curated advanced training ground for assisting soul committed initiates with cultivating the ability to bring the etheric into form each moment, while becoming the embodiment of their pure genius. This is a highly dynamic space to provide the structures for what is coming through your heart of creation and to be the unity within polarity. These souls activate higher healing abilities and receive new technologies of light.
Lemuria Remembered, Accessing The Wisdom of the Ancients Retreat: A sacred retreat assisting to reconnect with the gifts, knowledge and information that was lost allowing you to move through dimensions, manifest with grace and ease…
Tailored-made mission activation for visionary entrepreneurs
The following are Katrina’s headshots that are available for official use for media/press or web mentions related to her speaking or retreat events. Please attribute “Katrina Armstrong, Divine Bridge for Humanity of Katrinaarmstrong.com” when using the photos.
To view, click on the image. To download, right click on the open image and save as.

Hear from others…
“If you are interested in reaching your Highest Divine Potential, I highly recommend Katrina Armstrong. A powerful instrument of God during this auspicious time on earth. She has an innate ability to heal through holding space and energy for others. All the while exuding an air of calm that is very uplifting! Channeling dynamic frequency encodings of sound and light that adjusts to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs, in the moment. Initiating clearing, balancing, activating and aligning with a new vibration of Wellbeing. Katrina Armstrong humbly offers activations, cellular release, channeling, and more, as she anchors Love into the Earth! She is amazing!”

Phyllis Trammell
“Katrina Armstrong is an extremely gifted inter-galactic communicator and collaborator. She effectively enlists celestial entities to achieve designed goals. Empowering tools were revealed to me within 24 hours of her workshop to catalyze the growth of my life and strengthen the services in my business. Thank you for spirit for placing in my path the opportunity to work with Katrina.”

Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong, Emotional Stabilizer and Green Educator
Due to Katrina’s packed schedule, travelling across the country, leading high viberational retreats, and teaching light leaders, we suggest to get in touch for your speaking/healing retreats/events/online podcasts weeks in advance. All inquiries are read and they are usually responded within 48 hrs.